It was just an ordinary day. The criminals gathered around like they did every night for a friendly game of poker.

The guards filed around the criminals and watched the game unfold, making sure bickering stayed bickering, and no fighting broke out. At exactly an hour till midnight, all the criminals got up and returned to their cells, ready for the night. The guards made sure everyone was asleep and then went home to their families.

At exactly midnight, the lights flickered, which had never happened before. It woke up a lot of the criminals, who quickly assumed it was just an error and fell right back asleep.

If they would have listened close enough though, they would have been able to hear the laughter of The Warden, which was echoing through the vents from his office far away.



Protectors of the prison. They only have one thought, Criminals must be imprisoned. Patience to level up will yield you more $FREE or does duty call, we’ll see.

$FREE is the primary currency for The Prison Escape, and all will continue to be so for all of our future phases.

Criminals generate $FREE, while guards steal, and charge taxes on that $FREE.

$FREE can be used in further phases to mint valuable items, characters and so on, to give yourself an advantage over other players. Further $FREE utility will include collaborations, WL, giveaways, and so on.

A group of rough-housing bandits looking to fill their bags. Lurking in the shadows to avoid Getting caught, these individuals are hard to spot. Will the guards be able to catch them or Will they be $FREE?